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Groundwater potential map:

Conducting an integrated study of geophysical, hydrological, and other datasets is crucial for mapping the depth of the water table and estimating groundwater yield. Here’s a succinct guide:

1. Data Compilation:

• Compile geophysical data (resistivity, conductivity), hydrological data (bore well logs, pumping test results), and relevant environmental datasets.

2. Geophysical Survey:

• Use geophysical methods such as electrical resistivity or electromagnetic surveys to collect subsurface data.
• Integrate geophysical logs to understand the lithological composition and resistivity variations.

3. Bore Well Logs Analysis:

• Analyze bore well logs for lithology, well construction details, and stratigraphic information.
• Identify water-bearing formations and assess their characteristics.

4. Pumping Tests:

• Conduct pumping tests, if needed on selected, bore wells to evaluate aquifer properties, including transmissivity and storativity.
• Analyze drawdown and recovery data for well yield estimation.

5. Hydrogeological Parameters Integration:

• Integrate data on aquifer properties, lithology, and well construction to create a comprehensive hydrogeological model.

6.  GIS Mapping:

• Employ GIS tools to map geophysical and hydrogeological parameters spatially.
• Overlay these maps to identify areas with specific hydrogeological characteristics.

7. Water Table Mapping:

• Map the depth to the water table using data from bore well logs, geophysical surveys, and water level measurements.
• Identify areas with varying water table depths.

8. Yield Estimation:

• Combine aquifer properties, pumping test results, and water table depth to estimate groundwater yield potential.
• Delineate zones with higher yield capacity.

9. Optimization:

• Identify optimal locations for new bore wells based on the integrated study, considering both depth to water table and estimated yield.

10. Report and Recommendations:

• Summarize the findings in a comprehensive report, including maps, analyses, and recommendations for sustainable groundwater use.

By integrating geophysical, hydrological, and other relevant datasets, this study provides a holistic understanding of groundwater conditions, facilitating effective resource management and decision-making.

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Ground water survey
Ground water survey